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Marble Surface

Really. Simply. You. is a concept, a way of living and a space that brings a combination of holistic approaches together in one place. Really. Simply. You ¦ founded by Katerina & Jay who are Master Healer's and have developed their technique's through a range of modalities to take you into a pure connection with the Divine. Katerina offers, one to one Energy Healing &  Life Coaching. Jay offers Access Bars Sessions as well as intuitive Life Coaching 


Hi, I'm Katerina, you may have heard some of my energy clearings on our YouTube Channel, experienced one of our workshops, facebook group or you've never met or experienced me at all. 

Either way, thanks for stopping by! As you go through our Website, we would like to invite you to join an experience with us, you can do this through our YouTube Channel, you can join one of our free Monthly Energy Clearings, paid for weekly energy clearings or one of my workshops or classes. I am focused on enabling you to know the perfection that you already are, knowing the love that you have available to you and fundamentally, teach you through the energy of unconditional love. I hold the space for you to speak your truth, to enable you to heal whatever challenges have arisen in your physical experience.

Marble Surface
Katerina Image

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Marble Surface


Are you ready to heal your business into growth? Are you ready to see yourself as a winner! Then this workshop is for you!


It's easy to get caught up in the results that others are having when your business isn't striving in the way you planned...  


A lot of the time, this is because of our subconscious beliefs, which are often rather limiting. This workshop is designed to take you and your business out of it's funk and into the truth that inspired you to create it. All the negative beliefs that you have created around your business, including fears, is exactly the reason your business is not moving in the direction you want it to! How do I know?  I have been there and taken my clients through this very clearing, which has delivered results in mine & their businesses and subsequently improved our lives!  


📉 Have you noticed a decline in your sales and growth of your business? 

📉 Or has your business hit a ceiling?  

📉 Have you been following strategies and tactics that are making little to no difference? 

📉 Have customers not been showing up?  

📉 Have you done everything you possibly can to get more sales and drive business, but nothing is getting any better?  


Did you know that you can be experiencing any of these because of deep routed, limiting beliefs that could belong to your ancestors and those in your genetic line? Do you know that you can release the lock of those beliefs and live in alignment with your true potential?


😁 Are you ready for your business to go to the next level, utilitising what you've created and know that it doesn't need any more strategies? 

😁 Are you ready to employ your business to work for you & bring your staff, empoylees, prospective partners along with?


😁 Do you want to be feeling better about you and your business and create harmony between the two? 


😁 Change your connection to and with money and have money work for you?


 It doesn't matter what industry you are in, if this has resonated with you, then this workshop is for you! 


Last years event transformed the businesses of all of those who attended, so the only question that remains is, can you afford to miss this years Heal Your Business Into Growth?

For payment plans, please get in touch directly with us, for us to arrange this for you!


Are you ready to heal your business into growth? Are you ready to see yourself as a winner! The join the program now!!


This is Katerina, she is a powerful healer, and a teacher of Psychic Abilities Development. A simplistic way of learning the true power that you be.

Katerina spent her formative years training in a range of powerful techniques that has enabled her to cultivate an expansive way of practicing energy clearings and teaching other to harness their true super power. Katerina's enhanced psychic ability is claircognisance (Divine Knowing) and empathy feeling and knowing through her connection to the true divine. Katerina creates a space for you to heal completely, enabling you to release your own judgements of yourself, whilst supporting you to release limiting beliefs and exchange them for empowering ones. Katerina Loves working with people who are committed to their change. Katerina does not have a fixed rate for healings, and her sessions begin from £350. 

Katerina Christodoulou

Marble Surface


  • Mon, 21 Oct
    21 Oct 2024, 20:30 – 22:30 BST
    21 Oct 2024, 20:30 – 22:30 BST
    Learn how to untangle your money story and take control of your financial future in this empowering workshop.

This is Jay, he is an advanced intuitive coach and AccessBars Practitioner. Jay creates a space of security, enabling you to be open and in your truth with ease. He is outstanding at what he does, straight to the point with an incredible connection to provide accurate guidance and magnificent healing experiences that come with no judgement. Jay's introductory rates begin at £125 for both Access Bars & Intuitive Guidance 

Jay Cummings

If you find yourself in financial difficulty or your have a critical condition, please do not let money get in the way of your healing, as money, or the lack of it, is not the reason to not reach out!!

Rates for children are on a Donation Basis and this can be booked in via email or WhatsApp 

What other's have to say...

Please note that Katerina or Jay do not make any claims as to what ThetaHealing or that they can do, these are people's experience and they have all put in time to work on themselves and their beliefs in between sessions too.

Marble Surface

Lacey, England

Katerina has changed my whole life, I mean every aspect of my life has completely changed for the better, we really worked together for a good 10 months whenever I felt discomfort in my life or if a situation arose.
I love how honest she is too if I don’t need a healing she will let me know.
Kat is in such an act of service she wants to help you grow and uncover more of your true self she’ll never have you there for longer than you need.
Back to all the areas of my life she has dramatically improved, she’s helped my finances, my confidence, my belief and abilities within myself, my relationship with my partner, I mean that was close to an end she’s helped us both bring energy back  - the list goes on but I adore this lady I she’s saved in my phone as Kat - angel as she was really sent her to help the collective grow.
Now I’m 10 months into this process believe me at times I was like no this isn’t working, I’m so sick of this, I’m done. Yet all worked out so perfectly, better than I could’ve ever have imagined.
I love her so much, her energy everything about this woman is magic, yet she’s so relatable and not judgemental at all! You can come to her with anything - thank-you for all that you have done for my family and my life ❤️

Marble Surface

Socrates, Greece

Jay combines good-listening, observation and deep understanding which helps to address problems on a level that actually change that reality and move forward. Jay helped me find three deeply rooted beliefs and change them. Being on a deep level in my healing journey, I'm working on different aspects of myself and I experienced an extremely transformational session

Marble Surface

Dáša, Slovakia

Katerina is one of the amazing Advances ThetaHealer's, always willing to help and she can get into the core of your issue to help you understand what needs to be changed in order to move on with your life . She is kind and really understanding of your needs and supportive for your growth. I can highly recommend her for any healing or coaching session together with her supportive team they can give you one of the best experiences.

Marble Surface

One TO One's

Address limiting beliefs and release them with Katerina or Jay, using the ThetaHealing Technique, For which you can now book in to find out more and book in here:

The Level Up Lounge

Join our monthly subscription group and receive weekly energy clearings, angel guidance, downloads & more


We are developing our website to bring you all of our energy clearings in one place. But for now, come and join us on our free mindfulness group


All Crystals can now be purchased through our Sister Company

Pearlion - 

Events,Full & New Moon Rituals

Join in one of our workshops or one of our New or Full Moon Energy Clearing Rituals, or come along to one of our Monthly Free Workshops.

Feel Free to Get in Touch!

Living your best life, may be a conversation away!

Thanks for submitting!

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